Thursday, June 21, 2007

#7 Post About Anything Technology-Related

  • I love my digital camera for the simple fact that I can share my photos over the web so much easier then with film prints. (I still refuse to give up my Nikon manual though!)
  • AIM is one of the best things ever invented because it is the only way I can talk to many of my friends who have moved away. Plus I can chat to more than one person at a time, multi-tasking!
  • The new cell phones that can take pictures (with a flash mind you), record video, surf the web, check e-mail, play songs/tv shows, etc is crazy and a bit hard for me to wrap my head around how they can get all that into a little rectangle thing no bigger then a stack of cards. I love that they can do it, just don't ask me to explain it!


James said...

I haven't had the heart to get rid of my Canon manual but, I have to admit, I haven't used it once since purchasing my digital camera.

Kaire said...

For Shame! :-P Is it a proper manual with shutter speeds and all that? Those are the best camera's ever made in my mind..